Monday, December 19, 2011

Shape Cities

Kindergarten and 1st grade students recently used the texture plates and crayons to make a plain old piece of paper a little more interesting!
Next, they took those papers and cut them into shapes to make buildings!  They turned out amazing!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WHO is making owls?

In first grade, students learn about symmetry (if something is folded in half, it's the same on both sides.) 
We learn how to draw an owl, making sure to have big eyes, a small beak, wings, and even details like feathers.
After we draw, we sculpt!  Students get a ball of clay, make a ball, then flatten it like a pancake. 
Next, they make eyes, a beak, wings, and other details they might see on this mysterious creature!
The coloring is left to their imagination!

Here are some of our 1st grade student's clay owls!